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Client Company Benefits - Military

r3Key Benefits for Your Company

As the leader in the JMO placement field for 20 years, our placed Leaders do well in their business careers. Many of our current clients are candidates we placed years ago. They see tremendous value in our service as they assume higher management responsibilities.

What does this mean for you? High quality, effective results.

We attract top tier candidates because they want to associate themselves with the best. Our Leaders proceed through the hiring process smoothly as they continue to use us as a resource anywhere along the line.

You know what we know, and we know our Leaders very well. We help minimize the bumps and surprises that sometimes make the hiring process a drain. LEADERS will save you many hours of costly advertising, screening and interviewing.

By using LEADERS, you will gain a reliable resource you can trust to produce the results you need.
The Facts & Your Advantage...
  • 90% of our candidates have government-paid relocation.
  • The candidates you pursue will be willing to relocate to the location of your opportunity. We thoroughly prescreen candidates prior to introduction to you.
  • Qualified candidates with realistic expectations.
  • We encourage direct communication between the candidate and company throughout the interviewing process.
  • Untainted feedback from interviews and firsthand exposure to the candidate.
  • Our recruiters are former military officers that have already served in industry. Recruiters working for you who understand your needs and know the military profile that best matches your needs.
  • 20 years experience recruiting for industry leaders.
  • Honest, mature and accurate assessment of candidates' skills and how they match up with your requirements.
When deciding to hire a LEADERS candidate, the only cost incurred is a percentage-based fee of the placements salary. This cost is a long-term investment for quality candidates.

The average starting salaries for our candidates are between $48,000 and $77,000. Relocation expenses are not required since separating military members have a government-paid move.

If you would like additional information, or would like to speak with a member of our team, please fill out the Client Company Contact Information for companies and organizations.